The ICTQT activity is focused on the scientific research in the area of quantum foundations, quantum communication, quantum information, as well as on a development of quantum technologies with an emphasis on quantum communication and new computing techniques.
- Project title: International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies 2.0: The R&D Industrial and Experimental phase
- Acronym: ICTQT 2.0
- Program: International Research Agendas programme funded by the European Funds for Smart Economy Programme (IRAP FENG)
- Granting institution: NCBR
- Project leader: Marek Żukowski
- Funding period: 01.04.2024 – 31.03.2029
- Agreement number: FENG.02.01-IP.05-0006/23
- Funding amount: 30 000 000,00 PLN
- About the project: The goal of the project is to develop new and groundbreaking quantum technology methods and their new applications. The work should contribute to success in the area of commercialization. Research will focus on developing quantum devices such as quantum random number generators, quantum communication links, more advanced sensors, and quantum software, among others.

- Project title: Revolutionary Accuracy in waVeguide- and photoacoustic-ENabled atmospheric sensors
- Acronym: RAVEN
- Program: Horizon Europe, Call: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01
- Granting institution: EU
- Project leader: Łukasz Rudnicki
- Funding period: 01.16.2024 – 31.05.2028
- Agreement number: Project ID: 101135787
- Funding amount: 226 000,00 EUR
- Project title: Przyczynowość relatywistyczna a przetwarzanie informacji/ Relativistic Causality and Information Processing
- Acronym:
- Program: MAESTRO-13
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Paweł Horodecki
- Funding period: 12.04.2022 – 11.01.2028
- Agreement number: UMO-2021/42/A/ST2/00356
- Funding amount: 557 200,00 PLN
- Project title: Unifikacja i optymalizacja kwantowych zasobów / Unifying and Optimising Resources for Quantum Computation
- Acronym: ResourceQ
- Program: Quant-ERA Call 2023
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: John Harry Selby
- Funding period: 02.04.2024 – 01.04.2027
- Agreement number: UMO-2023/05/Y/ST2/00143
- Funding amount: 1 368 982,00 PLN
- Project title: Nowoczesna Kryptografia Niezależna od Urządzeń / Modern Device Independent CrypTography
- Acronym: MoDIC
- Program: CHSIT-ERA call 2022
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Marcin Pawłowski
- Funding period: 15.12.2023 – 14.12.2026
- Agreement number: UMO-2023/05/Y/ST2/00005
- Funding amount: 2 360 090,00 PLN
- Project title: Kwantowe układy otwarte i termodynamiczna teoria zasobów / Quantum open systems and thermodynamical resource theory
- Acronym:
- Program: OPUS 21
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Michał Horodecki
- Funding period: 25.01.2022 – 24.01.2026
- Agreement number: UMO-2021/41/B/ST2/03207
- Funding amount: 2 093 886,00 PLN
- Project title: Kategoryczne podstawy nieklasyczności natury / Categorical foundations of the non-classicality of nature
- Acronym:
- Program: OPUS 21
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: John Harry Selby
- Funding period: 01.03.2022 – 28.02.2026
- Agreement number: 2021/41/B/ST2/03149
- Funding amount: 1 590 880,00 PLN
- Project title: Zasoby w Kwantowych Technologiach: Doświadczenie i Teoria / Experiment and Theory of Resources in Quantum Technologies
- Acronym: ExTRaQT
- Program: Quant-ERA II Call 2021
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Michał Horodecki
- Funding period: 01.06.2022 – 31.05.2025
- Agreement number: UMO-2021/03/Y/ST2/00178
- Funding amount: 776 182,00 PLN
- Project title: Self-testing from a non-classical perspective
- Acronym:
- Program: PRELUDIUM 20
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Beata Zjawin
- Funding period: 02.02.2022 – 02.01.2025
- Agreement number: 2021/41/N/ST2/02242
- Funding amount: 134 920,00 PLN
- Project title: Podstawy kwantowej przewagi obliczeniowej / Foundations of quantum computational advantage
- Acronym: FoQaCia
- Program: Horizon Europe
- Granting institution: European Commision
- Project leaders: Ana Belen Sainz, John Harry Selby
- Funding period: 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2025
- Agreement number: 101070558
- Funding amount: share of the UG 229 910,00 EUR
- Project title: Protokół aktywacji sterowania postkwantowego w uogólnionych scenariuszach dwuczęściowych / Protocol for Activating Post-Quantum Steering in Generalized Bipartite Scenarios
- Acronym:
- Program: UGrants-start
- Granting institution: University of Gdańsk
- Project leader: Beata Zjawin
- Funding period: 01.01.2023 – 15.12.2023
- Agreement number: Decision of the Rector of University of Gdansk dated 06.02.2023
- Funding amount: 12 500,00 PLN
- Project title: Development of a quantum repeater in optical fiber networks for quantum internet
- Program: cooperation agreement with Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
- Granting institution: ETRI
- Project leader: Marek Żukowski
- Funding period: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024
- Agreement number: 0A00-A022
- Funding amount: 270 000 000,00 KRW / ~ 180 000,00 EUR
- Project title: Nowe przybliżenia w teorii kwantowych układów otwartych – testowanie wydajności zregularyzowanych równań kumulantu / New approximations in the theory of open quantum system – testing the performance of the regularized cumulant equations
- Acronym:
- Program: PRELUDIUM 20
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Marek Winczewski
- Funding period: 01.11.2022 – 30.09.2024
- Agreement number: UMO-2021/41/N/ST2/01349
- Funding amount: 128 710,00,00 PLN
- Project title: Kwantowa super-rozdzielczość w pomiarach przestrzennych i częstotliwościowych/ Application-ready superresolution in space and frequency
- Acronym: ApresSF
- Program: QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund (NCN)
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Łukasz Rudnicki
- Funding period: 03.03.2020 – 02.05.2024
- Agreement number: UMO-2019/32/Z/ST2/00017
- Funding amount: 656 200,00 PLN
- Project title: Kryptografia niezależna od urządzeń zorientowana na eksperymenty / Implementation-oriented Device Independent CrypTography
- Acronym: eDICT
- Program:QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund (NCBR)
- Granting institution: NCBR
- Project leader: Marcin Pawłowski
- Funding period: 11.09.2020 – 30.06.2024
- Agreement number: Quantera/2/2020
- Funding amount: 1 461 229,79 PLN
- Project title: Częstotliwościowo-czasowa metrologia przy użyciu optymalnych pomiarów kwantowych / Spectral-Temporal Metrology with Tailored Quantum Measurements
- Program: Horyzont 2020
- Granting institution: Komisja Europejska (KE)
- Project leader: Łukasz Rudnicki
- Funding period: 01.10.2020 – 31.08.2024
- Agreement number: 899587 – STORMYTUNE
- Funding amount: 50 000,00 EUR
- Project title: Premia na Horyzoncie do: Częstotliwościowo-czasowa metrologia przy użyciu optymalnych pomiarów kwantowych / Spectral-Temporal Metrology with Tailored Quantum Measurements
- Acronym: Premia na Horyzoncie do STORMYTUNE
- Program: Premia na Horyzoncie 2
- Granting institution: MNiSW
- Project leader: Łukasz Rudnicki
- Funding period: 01.10.2020 – 31.08.2024
- Agreement number: 487511/PnH2/2020
- Funding amount: 44 827,00 PLN
- Project title: Izomorfizm grafów z technikami właściwymi dla kwantowego uczenia maszynowego / The graph isomorphism with techniques proper of the quantum machine learning
- Acronym:
- Program: UGrants-start
- Granting institution: University of Gdańsk
- Project leader: Antonio Mandarino
- Funding period: 27.01.2023 – 15.12.2023
- Agreement number: Decision of the Rector of University of Gdansk dated 27.01.2023
- Funding amount: 15 000,00 PLN
- Project title: Zasoby i nieklasyczność w teoriach procesów wyższego rzędu / Resources and nonclassicality in higher-order process theories
- Acronym:
- Program: JunG
- Granting institution: University of Gdańsk
- Project leader: John Harry Selby
- Funding period: 23.02.2022 – 31.12.2023
- Agreement number: Decision of the Rector of University of Gdansk dated 23.02.2022
- Funding amount: 200 000,00 PLN
- Project title: Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych – wniosek o dofinansowanie aparatury / International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies – application for funding the specialist equipment
- Acronym: ICTQT-MAB
- Program: 2014 – 2020 Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój (POIR)
- Granting institution: FNP
- Project leader: Marek Żukowski
- Funding period: 21.06.2022 – 20.06.2023
- Agreement number:
- Funding amount: 1 200 000,00 PLN
- Project title: International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies / Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych
- Acronym: ICTQT
- Program: 2014 – 2020 Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój (POIR)
- Granting institution: FNP
- Project leader: Marek Żukowski
- Funding period: 01.09.2018 – 31.12.2023
- Agreement number: MAB/2018/5
- Funding amount: 37 296 130,00 PLN
- Project title: Theoretical study of time-bin entanglement properties for quantum internet
- Program: cooperation agreement with Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
- Granting institution: ETRI
- Project leader: Marek Żukowski
- Funding period: 04.01.2022 – 31.12.2022
- Agreement number: 0A00-A022
- Funding amount: 100 000 000,00 KRW / ~ 66 250,00 EUR
- Project title: Nanomagnesy molekularne do zastosowań w technologiach kwantowych / Molecular Nanomagnets for quantum technologies applications
- Acronym:
- Program: MINIATURA 4
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Antonio Mandarino
- Funding period: 11.12.2020 – 01.12.2022
- Agreement number: 2020/04/X/ST2/01794
- Funding amount: 49 500,00 PLN
- Project title: Towards easier tests of quantum phenomena / Ku prostszym testom kwantowości
- Acronym: TETOQuaPh
- Program: SHENG
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Marcin Pawłowski
- Funding period: 01.10.2019 – 30.09.2022
- Agreement number: UMO-2018/30/Q/ST2/00625
- Funding amount: 1 418 380,00 PLN
- Project title: The Emergence of Agents from Causal Order
- Acronym:
- Program: An international request for proposals for research and outreach projects of the Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi)
- Granting institution: Sillicon Valley Community Foundation
- Project leader: Ana Belen Sainz
- Funding period: 01.10.2018 – 31.01.2022
- Agreement number:
- Funding amount: 38 250,00 USD
- Project title: Increase visibility of women researchers in quantum information science
- Acronym:
- Program: FQXi Equity and Outreach Fund
- Granting institution: Foundational Questions Institute
- Project leader: Ana Belen Sainz
- Funding period: 01.01.2021 – 30.09.2022
- Agreement number: FQXi Grant 2020-OE-003
- Funding amount: 7000 USD
- Project title: Wyrażalność nieklasyczności / Expressibility of non-classicality
- Acronym:
- Program: MINIATURA 4
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: Ana Belen Sainz
- Funding period: 11.12.2020 – 01.12.2022
- Agreement number: 2020/04/X/ST2/01780
- Funding amount: 23 870,00 PLN
- Project title: Kategoryjne podstawy teorii przyczynowo-inferencyjnych / Categorical foundations of causal-inferential theories
- Acronym:
- Program: MINIATURA 4
- Granting institution: NCN
- Project leader: John Harry Selby
- Funding period: 11.12.2020 – 01.12.2022
- Agreement number: 2020/04/X/ST2/01779
- Funding amount: 22 825,00 PLN
- Project title: Q-Turn 2020 Workshop: Changes Paradigms in Quantum Science
- Acronym: Q-Turn
- Program: FQXi Mini-Grants on Agency in the Physical World
- Granting institution: The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi)
- Project leader: Ana Belen Sainz
- Funding period: 15.11.2020 – 31.12.2020
- Agreement number: FQXi FFF Grant number FQXi-MGA-2005
- Funding amount: 28.238,70 PLN
- Project title: Kryptografia z samotestującymi urządzeniami kwantowymi / Cryptography with self-testing quantum devices
- Acronym:
- Program: 2014 – 2020 Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój (POIR)
- Granting institution: FNP
- Project leader: Marcin Pawłowski
- Funding period: 30.09.2016 – 31.01.2020
- Agreement number:
- Funding amount: 1 425 471,00 PLN