We are focused on research in the area of quantum foundations, quantum communication, and quantum information with the aim of developing quantum communication technologies and new computing techniques.
Foundational Underpinnings of Quantum Technologies Group
The purpose of the ICTQT is to conduct scientific research and development works in accordance with the adopted research agenda, in an international academic environment and at the highest academic level, with due regard for high ethical standards, good academic practice in particular, and to disseminate knowledge.
Research groups
Six research groups and a team of independent researchers explore the quantum foundations and technological aspects of quantum effects
Research projects
We are conducting research co-financed by a number of
institutions from Poland and abroad
Research staff
We are proud to host researchers from 13 different countries. We have build a balanced environment where young, aspiring scientist can grow under guidance of world class researchers
Number of publications with ICTQT affiliations. We are proud to collaborate with all major theoretical quantum research labs on 5 continents
Join the 22nd European Conference on Foundations of Physics – Registration Now Open!
The International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) at the University of Gdańsk (UG) is pleased to announce the 22nd European Conference on Foundations of […]
Location: University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Wita Stwosza street, 57, Gdańsk, Poland (Auditorium: D005)Registration: closed (deadline January 10, 2025)Participation: Free of chargeContact: ictqt@ug.edu.pl […]
Public Lecture by Professor Charles Bennett on September 5 at the University of Gdańsk
The International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) of the University of Gdańsk is honoured to host a public lecture by the distinguished physicist, Professor Charles […]