Inquiry title
Inquiry for the preparation of a scientific publication on the dynamics of correlations in toy-models involving nonlinear modifications of quantum mechanics based on scientific research in the project Maestro UMO-2021/42/A/ST2/00356, "Relativistic causality and information processing".
Contract award procedure
The contract award procedure is conducted in the form of a request for quotation in accordance with Art. 2 clause 1 point 1 of the Public Procurement Law.
Awarding Entity
Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk, NIP: 584-020-32-39
Contact person: Marta Krzyżykowska, +48 58 523 51 80,,
Subject of the contract
- The subject of the contract is the presentation of research results in a scientific publication, taking into account topics in the area of analytic and numerical studies of the dynamics of correlations in information-theoretic toy-models involving nonlinear modifications of quantum mechanics. Scientific research is carried out as part of the implementation of the Maestro UMO-2021/42/A/ST2/00356, financed by the National Science Center.
- The scope of this contract includes the following research activities:
• in-depth review of the literature related to the subject of the study,
• analysis of the dynamics of quantum states in a model of two qubits interacting via a non-linear coupling
• investigation of the evolution of correlations, entanglement and coherence in the above model
• analysis of the dynamics of quantum states’ distinguishability in the above model
• study of the information-theoretic properties, in particular the computational complexity, in the above model
• preparation of the scientific publications including the description of the carried-out analyses, the methods used, results discussions and research results. - The subject of the contract must be performed taking into account the highest European quality standards for conducting scientific research described in „The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity”, available here, and the final report must be full-fledged (original, unique, present a new contribution to knowledge in a given field) and free from any legal defects.
- The Contracting party undertakes to provide all materials necessary to complete the subject of the contract, including access to scientific publications and computer or specialized software, at his own cost and risk.
- The Awarding Entity accepts to prepare of the report (developed as part of the contract) only in the English language.
Contract award procedure participation terms
- In accordance with the terms of the financing agreement, Contractors that may participate in the contract award procedure are those who have the necessary knowledge and experience in the field of the subject of the contract (natural person), i.e., the Contractor must meet all of the following conditions jointly:
- Master degree in physics
- have experience in relativistic physics
- Have at least an advanced level of English (the language level will be verified during the interview).
- Assessment of compliance with the above conditions will be made in accordance with the formula “meets - does not meet”, based on information contained in the documents listed above. The content of the attached documents must clearly show that the abovementioned conditions are met by the Contractor.
- In the event of submitting incomplete documentation regarding confirmation of the fulfillment of the condition for participation in the contract award procedure, the Contracting Authority may request the Contractor to supplement them, if the Contractor fails to complete the documentation within the specified deadline, the offer is deemed incomplete and the condition is not met.
- Failure to meet even one of the abovementioned conditions will result in the Contractor’s exclusion from the procedure. The Contractor may be excluded from the procedure at any stage of the contract award procedure.
Offer preparation method
- The offer and attachments should be sent via e-mail to the address
- The offer submission deadline shall expire on the 11th November 2022 (CEST).
- The submission date shall be deemed to be the date when the offer is received at the Awarding Entity’s email address.
- Offers submitted past the offer submission deadline shall not be considered.
- The Awarding Entity reserves the right to extend the offer submission deadline. In such an event, the Awarding Entity shall each time publish a relevant notice at the site of the publication of Request for offers.
Detailed description of the order
Date of publishing: October 28th, 2022
Hiring organization