Inquiry for preparation of an original resulting report on the construction of KS graphs and gadgets with three (3) or more distinguished vertices based on the conducted scientific research (pol. Zapytanie ofertowe na przygotowanie autorskiego raportu wynikowego dotyczącego konstrukcji grafów KS oraz gadżetów o trzech (3) lub więcej wyróżnionych wierzchołkach na podstawie wykonanych badań naukowych)
Request for offer
Appendix No. 1 – Offer form
Appendix No. 2 – Declaration of the Contractor
Appendix No. 3 – List of persons
Appendix No. 4 – Declaration of the Dedicated Person
Public procurement is conducted in connection with the implementation of the project entitled "International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies".
The project is financed by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) from the funds of the Smart Growth Operational Programme, axis IV: Increasing the research potential (Measure 4.3) under the International Research Agendas Programme.
Project leader: Marek Żukowski
